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Angel Fish

1 engagement fix.jpg
2 ring edit.jpg
3 wedding bouquet.jpg
4 wedding kiss.jpg
5- Pregnancy Edit.JPG
6 yellow close up.jpg
7 baby dragon.jpg
8 baby close darkened.jpg
9 red baby.jpg
10 wrapped baby.jpg
11 vigil.jpg
12 viel close-2.jpg

I embodied myself as a mermaid with the same fondness for small treasures. Combing the ocean floor for more discarded gems to adorn my crown. To live a fantasy where I was in love, married, and with child. But as above so below. I hold my child dead from a net around their neck in the freezing cold water and think about the fires burning, the bombs stripping the soil, the floating islands of last year's trends, the haziness of the skies in the cities, the undrinkable water, the poisoned rainfall, the death of the Earth, the death of us, and the innocence of the children, the animals, the plants, the sea. Amongst the accumulation of trash deemed as gold, we forgot to protect our greatest gift and sickened it for all. 

Merman- Mel Zaballos @meliazaba
Photographer- Chloe Wanaselja @tammarts

xoxo baevy
ig: @bae.vy
fan mail appreciated ;) <3 
music available on spotify and amazon music
email for video screening, speciality photo prints, interest in collab or showing work

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